With over twelve years of Surveillance/Security experience Bo-Co-Pa and Associates, is highly capable and qualified to assist you in all of your Surveillance/Security needs. Here are some of the services offered by Bo-Co-Pa and Associates:
Surveillance/Security department overviews and analysis
Report writing
- Focusing on the beginning through the end, remembering every detail needs to be noted and cited in the report.
Policy and Procedure Training
Department Trainings including:
- Table Games
- Video Lottery Terminals (Slots)
- Including Class II and Class III gaming devices
- Cage Operations
- Count Room Operations
- Player Club Operations
- Management Information Systems/Information Technology Operations
- Marketing and Promotions
- Administration Operations
- Accounting Operations
- Food and Beverage Operations
BSA/Title 31: Many times we do not think that the Surveillance/Security departments are responsible for Title 31. The IRS does not see if that way. Make sure that you are properly trained and understand the responsibility reporting in compliance with Title 31.
Full compliance department overviews including looking at how to be more efficient
Evaluate and recommend what technologies will make your Surveillance/Security department more efficient
Internal/External theft/fraud training on detection
Are you still operating an analog system? Let Bo-Co-PA & Associates assist you in your transition to digital systems.